
Get Reviewed on Joyzine

We’re always looking for new artists, events and releases to feature on our website and welcome submissions from artists, labels, promoters, venues and agencies.  

Whilst our primary focus is on new and independent music, we also cover film, literature, art, theatre, comedy and events with a similar ethos of creativity, experimentation and a DIY spirit.

We have a policy of only featuring work that we enjoy or find interesting (hence Joyzine) and do not write ‘bad’ reviews as we feel that our time is better spent on covering things that excite and interest us.

For all review/feature enquiries please email

Get Involved: Write, draw, film or take photos for Joyzine

Joyzine is always on the lookout for enthusiastic, creative and talented people to join our team.

If you’re a writer, photographer, videographer or artist of any (or indeed no) level of experience and would like to share your love for music and the arts on an established webzine, we’d like to hear from you.

Joyzine is entirely created by volunteers passionate about sharing the music and culture that they love. The site is ad-free and generates no income so we are not able to offer payment, however you will have the opportunity to get into gigs and festivals for free, be sent new music before its release and have the chance to meet and work with some of your favourite artists and bands, as well as being able to share the music and arts that you care about with a worldwide audience. As such we do not claim copyright on any articles submitted and you are free to publish them elsewhere.

We believe in giving our writers freedom to express themselves in the way they see fit so do not impose a house style or words counts, but are always happy to offer support and advice when asked.

Previous contributors to Joyzine have gone on to write for major publications such as The Guardian, NME and Time Out or to work in other areas of the music industry including at record labels and PR agencies. From time to time we are sent details of employment opportunities to share with our team and we are always happy to provide references when requested.

If you would be interested in joining the Joyzine team, please contact our editor, Paul Maps, with some examples of your work: