Single Review: The Courettes – Shake

There is something about a duo in my humble opinion, particularly duos who make far more noise than you would expect. Often for me this equates to angry female duos with amps turned up to 11. The Courettes, however are indeed a duo who sound like there should be more of them, but instead of angry, these guys are truly ‘groovy’ and instead of a female duo, we have a girl/boy dynamic instead.

The Courettes are from Denmark and Brazil, and have released three albums with their debut coming out in Germany in 2015. The band played a massive 17 shows back to back in the UK in 2021 which got rave reviews. Here are just some of the positive quotes they have received from British media:

“Your new favourite band once you´ve heard them!” Marc Mcstea (Louder Than War)

“The real deal. The most authentic 60’s inspired garage rock since Thee Milkshakes were around”. Lee Cotterell (Vive Le Rock)

“Crooked girl group love songs fed on a diet of bathtub amphetamines” Henry Hutton (Shindig!)

With such good things said, what was this single like? Well the single has two fabulous catchy songs- ‘Shake’ and ‘You Woo Me’. This was my first time hearing The Courettes and I fell in love immediately with the retro, funky 70s style vibes with a modern garage rock twist. In their biography on their website, they are described as’ Like The Ronettes meet The Ramones at a wild party at Gold Star Studios echo chamber.’ and that description certainly fits this single.

‘Shake’ is a musical tonic designed for ‘dancing it out’. This single is going on heavy rotation for me for sure.

‘Shake’ is available now and you can buy it here from Damaged Goods

The Courettes online- Facebook | Instagram | X (Twitter)

Review by Hayley Foster da Silva

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